Stuart Little 2 is a 2002 American live-action/CGI animated film directed by Rob Minkoff. It stars Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, and Jonathan Lipnicki and the voices of Michael J. Fox, Nathan Lane, Melanie Griffith, James Woods, and Steve Zahn. The film is a sequel to the 1999 film, based on original children's book by E. B. White. The film was released to theaters on July 19, 2002. It is also the final film in the trilogy to have a theatrical release.
The film was followed by the third film, a direct-to-video sequel entitled Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild in 2005. However, unlike the previous two films, which were hybrids of live action and animation, the third one was entirely animated.
This was the last film to star Jonathan Lipnicki as George, Nathan Lane as Snowbell and Steve Zahn as Monty. They were replaced by Corey Padnos, Kevin Schon, and Rino Romano for the third film.