Power Rangers Time Force is an American television series and the ninth season of the Power Rangers franchise, based on the Super Sentai series Mirai Sentai Timeranger, running for 40 half-hour episodes from February to November 2001. It was the last full season to completely air on Fox Kids following the sale of Fox Family Worldwide, which included Fox Family, Fox Kids and Saban Entertainment being purchased by The Walt Disney Company. The series is often praised by fans for it's narrative, strong characters, better acting, and themes.
Originally, a Time Force film was planned, but ultimately went unproduced in light of the commercial failure of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie and the purchase of the franchise by Disney. However, Buena Vista Home Entertainment did release the series' final four episodes as a film-length home video in 2002 entitled The End of Time. A Power Rangers Time Force video game was released in November 2001 for Sony PlayStation, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, and PC.