The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, known in Japan as Tron ni Kobun (トロンにコブン, lit. "Tron and Henchmen"), is an action-adven
Read moreThe Misadventures of Tron Bonne, known in Japan as Tron ni Kobun (トロンにコブン, lit. "Tron and Henchmen"), is an action-adventure game that was developed and published by Capcom for the PlayStation. Released in Japan in 1999 and in North America and Europe in 2000, the game is part of the Mega Man Legends (Rockman DASH) series. It is also a prequel and spin-off of the first Legends game.Rather than focusing on the heroic protagonists of Mega Man Legends series, the game follows series antihero Tron Bonne, sister of the criminal Bonne family of air pirates. The Japanese counterpart included PocketStationsupport whereas the North American and European version did not. With a limited production run, the game is one of the rarest PlayStation games.